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Knowledge service

Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy

We enhance the knowledge base for policymaking on the bioeconomy.

Highlights (1)

Search results (132)

Showing results 1 to 10

Knowledge service Bioeconomy Digital Europa Thesaurus bio-industry
DATASET | 19 Mar 2021
Bio-based chemicals and materials are innovative, high value-added products contributing to the transition to a more sustainable global manufacturing sector. The BTG publishes a dataset on chemical and material...
DATASET | 10 Mar 2021
This dashobard is associated to the paper "A Cross-Country Measurement of the EU Bioeconomy: An Input–Output Approach" developed in the context of the BIOMONITOR project financed by Horizon 2020. The study measures the development...
DATASET | 18 Mar 2021
Bio-based chemicals and materials are innovative, high value-added products contributing to the transition to a more sustainable European manufacturing sector. The Joint Research Centre and BTG publish...
Rome, Italy
GLOSSARY ITEM | 12 Apr 2024
A polymer comprised, at least in part, of building blocks called monomers, produced from renewable feedstocks such as corn. An alternate definition for biopolymer, includes all biologically produced...
A space for stakeholders to quickly find the latest research and development, innovation, and current trends is necessary. Such a space can be a source of knowledge to foster innovation, facilitate...