Rice is a major food crop supplying, on average, 516 kcal per capita per day or roughly 17.3% of total calories consumed globally in 2022. Rice production and consumption...
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Digital Europa Thesaurus
The European Commission is actively following up to the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) "Stop finning - Stop the trade", which asked the Commission for action to end international trade...
The Food Balance Sheets were compiled with the technical and financial support from AfDB, under its Statistics Department in collaboration with the Madagascar Country Office, with support from Phase 5...
CIMMYT has worked since 1975 with Colombian farmers and partners, fostering sustainable development in agriculture and particularly in the production of maize, a major crop in national agrifood systems. More...
Fluctuations in agricultural prices pose significant challenges for fragile and conflict-affected economies due to their critical role in ensuring food security. This study examines changes in agricultural...
This background paper to The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023 analyses a key element of agrifood systems transformation: the change of patterns in food supply and demand. Several...
Highlights: 20% of the global population lives in net food-importing developing nations. In 2017, net food-importing developing nations consumed 377.4 kg of food per capita. Income...
The Rwanda Food and Agriculture Delivery Compact presents a unique opportunity to meet the targets of Rwanda’s fourth Strategic Plan for Agriculture Transformation (PSTA4) reduce Rwanda’s dependence...
The Plan: Implementation of the Compact will increase investment in promising food value chains for increased production for local consumption, improved local dietary diversity, and export. Investments...