The conversion and loss of rangelands is done in silence and attracts little public attention. Pastoralist and rangeland communities are often marginalised and have little influence over policies...
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Digital Europa Thesaurus
management of resources
Following the success of its Africa report "Larger than Elephants," B4LIfe launched this Asia report in May 2018. It highlights Asia's vast natural capital and presents...
This report, produced by the International Resource Panel (IRP) of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), presents an analysis of the impacts of the growing use of renewable and non-renewable natural resources...
This 2024 Mansholt Lecture focuses on the future use of land in relation to agriculture, forestry and nature. Land is a finite source for which there are competing demands from recreation...
Over several years, food systems transformation has begun to be widely recognized as critical to halting and reversing nature loss, limiting global warming to 1.5...
In Africa, coping with the growing pressure of resource demand due to the fast population growth and socio-economic development remains one of the major challenges of the 21st century. By 2050, energy...
Policy Forum on Advancing Research and Innovation in Central and Eastern Europe within the Framework of Sustainable Natural Resource Management, Food Systems Security, and Biomanufacturing Policy Development
On 4 July 2024, the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, in collaboration with the BIOEAST Initiative, organized a high-level policy debate focusing on the potential role of Central and Eastern Europe...
Starting on 1st of July 2024, the Hungarian EU Presidency will prioritize bioeconomy research and innovation, aiming to engage EU Member States and EU Institutions in comprehensive...
92 Rue de Treves, 1040, Brussels, Belgium
The United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) is the world’s highest-level decision-making body for matters related to the environment, with a universal membership of all 193 Member States. It sets...
Nairobi, Kenya
The European biomass puzzle – Challenges, opportunities and trade-offs around biomass production and use in the EU
This report looks at how biomass can help us reach our climate and environmental objectives, and how climate change might affect the EU's biomass production...