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Digital Europa Thesaurus democracy new technology
PAGE | 08 Apr 2020
Transnational organised crime is estimated as having a budget twice larger than all military budgets combined. How much influence and governing power could non-state actors...
PAGE | 08 Apr 2020
Globalisation of all sectors — economic, security, information, technological development, etc.— together with increased mobility and solidarity of the population worldwide are accelerating the spread and implementation...
PAGE | 06 Apr 2020
Policymaking has to adapt to an increasingly digital and data-driven world as well as an increasingly (dis)informed citizenry. AI algorithms are increasingly impacting all aspects of life and add...
PAGE | 06 Apr 2020
Power distribution in multilevel government, and the combination of local, regional, national and supranational levels, could be put on the political agenda and its legitimacy enforced or increased. Emphasis...
The power of non-state organizations and forums is growing as they play an increasing role in addressing various challenges – e.g. the various Mayors' organizations, NGOs, expert groups...
PAGE | 17 Jun 2019
When social media is becoming one of the most powerful tools for shaping peoples' choices, being an "influencer" is at the reach of anyone. The number of social media users worldwide...
PAGE | 19 Nov 2018
As "fake news" proliferate, disinformation threatens democracy and efficient governance. There is empirical evidence that false news are spreading significantly "faster, deeper, and more broadly"...