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Digital Europa Thesaurus biofuel Feedstock
DATASET | 02 Mar 2020
The EU bio-based industry is quickly evolving but clear data on the development of this emerging sector are still missing. A new JRC report illustrates the work of the JRC in building...
The three largest soy producers (by weight and production area) are Brazil, the US, and Argentina, who are jointly responsible for 80% of global soy production...
EVENT | 03 Nov 2022
There are several challenges associated with the introduction of SAF and the market is growing slowly. The aim of these seminars is to highlight best practice examples for the market uptake of SAF...
This dashboard presents the distribution of the bio-based industry (and biorefineries) in the EU, including the following production: bio-based chemicals, liquid biofuels, bio-based composites and fibres, biomethane, pulp&paper...