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Digital Europa Thesaurus Import Knowledge type Dataset
DATASET | 29 Apr 2016
Data on imports of main type of biofuels (i.e. biogasoline, biodiesels, other liquid biofuels and bio jet kerosene) by country of origind and destination, expressed in thousand tonnes...
DATASET | 16 Oct 2015
Data on energy statistics - supply, transformation and consumption by energy indicator (e.g. gross electricity generation, gross heat production, imports, exports, consumption, etc.)...
DATASET | 29 Apr 2016
Data on energy flows for building a sankey diagram for energy by type of fuel. Sankey diagrams provide an overview of the main energy flows and how they contribute to the global...
DATASET | 16 Oct 2015
Data on import prices in industry by economic activity (NACE Rev.2) expressed in import price index (2010) and percentage change compared to same period in the previous year...
DATASET | 05 Sep 2014
Data on import, export and use of agricultural machinery, broken down by country and type of machinery. Data expressed in number of machines and economic value (US $). Important...
DATASET | 25 Jan 2017
Statistics on the annual production of fishery commodities and imports and exports (including re-exports) of fishery commodities by country and commodities in terms of volume and value. Presently the database shows annual...
DATASET | 05 Sep 2014
Data on trade (import and export) of main agricultural and food products. The trade database includes the following variables: export quantity, export value and export unit value...
DATASET | 05 Sep 2014
Data on detailed matrix of trade (import and export) of main agricultural and food products, broken down by reporter and partner country. The food and agricultural trade dataset is collected...