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Related organisations Bioökonomierat - German Bioeconomy Council EIB - European Investment Bank DG GROW - DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Highlights on developing countries and food security: Strong global progress on poverty reduction is at risk of stalling COVID-19 has intensified development challenges around the world...
This report provides an overview of sustainability in the forestry sector. It sets out the benefits for society, describes the regulatory environment and examines the challenges encountered by companies and investors operating...
The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group’s 2021 annual Sustainability Report provides an overview of its operations and impact in supporting sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe and beyond...
BÖRMEMO 05 - Next to agriculture, forestry is the most important sector of the economy that provides raw materials for the bioeconomy. As the bioeconomy continues to expand, we must ask...
This publication gives an overview of the European Investment Bank’s support to agriculture, bioeconomy and rural development. It details the Bank’s activities in the sector and highlights key projects. The stories...