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Related organisations DG JUST - DG for Justice and Consumers Eurobserver REACH
Highlights: Multi-annual precipitation deficits combined with above-average temperatures and a sequence of heatwaves are the cause of the long-running and extensive drought in central-southern South America. From August 2022...
The Eurobserver database provides with data on different indicators by contry per renewable energy source, including Biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol and other biofuels), solid biomass (solid and liquid)...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 20 August 2020
REACH is a leading humanitarian initiative providing granular data, timely information and in-depth analysis from contexts of crisis, disaster and displacement. The work of REACH directly feeds into aid...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 12 December 2018
As AI is changing the jobs landscape, investing in re-skilling and education of workers is mandatory in order to help them adjust to new requirements and avoid having tens of millions of people...