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FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS - This interactive infographic complements the JRC scientific report "Cumulative economic impact of trade agreements on EU agriculture – 2021 update"...
FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS - These interactive factsheet and datasets complements the JRC scientific report "Cumulative economic impact of future trade agreements on EU agriculture"...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 20 February 2023
The Trade Tools Navigator seeks to bring together existing initiatives in one place to help users understand the impacts of production and consumption on nature. The aim of the navigator is to add...
The ninth edition of IRENA’s series, Renewable energy and jobs: Annual review 2022, produced in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), provides the latest estimates of renewable...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 11 July 2022
Fisheries and aquaculture have the capacity – if supported and developed in a regulated and environmentally sensitive manner – to contribute significantly to improving the well-being of poor and disadvantaged communities...