Browse 'Case studies in Microeconomic Evaluation' series
The aim of the training is to share good practice in evaluation of impacts of EU policies. The focus is on how to use causal methodologies to inform the evaluation process, from the design to the choice of data, to the analysis and to the interpretation of results.
October 9, 2024 14:00-17:30 / October 10, 9:30-12:30
PLB3 (rue Philippe Le Bon 3), room 2.17 Brussels (Belgium).
How to participate?
European Commission staff should register through EU Learn at this link (Keywords: “Case studies” and “Microeconomic evaluation”).
People external to the Commission can also attend and should register with this link
For further question, please contact:
Each methodology will be explained with a real case study example, and presentation will be divided in 3 sections:
- Section 1: Brief introduction to the method
- Section 2: Case study
- Section 3: Discussion & questions
Presentations will be given by JRC- S.3.CC-ME; discussants come from the Partner DG.
Preliminary agenda
October 9th: 14:00 – 17:30 | |
Opening | Marek Havrda, Regulatory Scrutiny Board (RSB) |
Introduction | "Causality and impact evaluation", by Paolo Paruolo (CC-ME) |
Method | Propensity score by Paolo Paruolo (CC-ME) |
Case study 1 "Labour protection and mental health responses to employment shocks", by Paolo Paruolo (CC-ME) | |
Partner: DG EMPL Discussant: TBA | |
Method | Difference-in-differences |
Case study 2 "Health and labour market effects of increasing retirement age", by Chiara Ardito (CC-ME) | |
Partner: DG EMPL Discussant: Eva Schoenwald | |
Case study 2.1 "Assessing PSD2 policy's impact on competition in the digital payment sector", Fernando Martínez-Santos (CC-ME) | |
Partner: DG FISMA Discussant: Ryan Stephen |
October 10th: 9:30 – 12:30 | |
Method | Instrumental variable |
Case study 3 "Do Voters Support Local Commitments for Climate Change Mitigation?", by Paolo Paruolo (CC-ME) | |
Partner: DG CLIMA Discussant: TBA | |
Method | Regression Discontinuity |
Case study 4 "Size-contingent 'Green' obligations and avoidance behavior among EU farmers: lessons from Spanish administrative data", by Zelda Brutti (CC-ME) | |
Partner: DG AGRI Discussant: Francesco Gianola |
Originally Published | Last Updated | 21 Jul 2024 | 23 Sep 2024 |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Microeconomic Evaluation |