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Competence Centre on Foresight

We foster a strategic, future-oriented and anticipatory culture in the EU policymaking process.

Topic / Tool | Last updated: 07 Nov 2023

The Scenario Exploration System (SES)

Brief me

  • A future simulation tool to explore possible paths towards the future, in relation to a certain topic
  • A solution-oriented approach that applies to any policy topic.
  • A serious game to stimulate engagement with stakeholders where you can play the role of business, policymaker, civil society, the public or the media.

Different versions of Scenario Exploration system below have been developed by the JRC and adapted to different policy fields and contexts. As users grow worldwide, more editions may become available

  • SES is available to any interested party under a Creative Commons licence.
  • You are free to use and modify it, but you have to share the results of your adaptations under the same conditions and must attribute the work to its originators.
  • We are interested in any feedback on how you plan to use it and returns on experience, please contact us.

You can also join the Scenario Exploration System users group.

Download the explanatory poster for more information about how to use this tool.

The Scenario Exploration System (SES) - Explanatory Poster
(773 KB - The Scenario Exploration System (SES) - Explanatory Poster )

Explore further

Space Tourism SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that explores space tourism (in French only).

Bioeconomy SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that offers the possibility to explore possible future transitions of the bioeconomy towards sustainable development and a climate neutral economy.

City Greening Game SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that promotes collaboration for sustainable urban planning.

NANO2ALL SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that facilitates societal debate around nanotechnology development in Europe.

China SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that offers the possibility to explore the future of innovation in China.

Fishing Nets Recycling SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that connects marine communities with biodiversity and circular economy opportunities.

Climate SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that supports any collective intelligence exercise on climate change and sustainability topics.

Future of Customs in the EU 2040 SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that allows the exploration and interactions around four future scenarios on the future of customs in the EU 2040.

Eco-innovation SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that leverages collective intelligence in the field of sustainable innovation.

Food Safety and Nutrition Challenges SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that pictures future scenarios to face food safety and nutrition challenges.

Future of Migration SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that navigates various future scenarios in the migration field, with constraints and opportunities.

Future Mobility SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that engages participants in a systemic, collective reflection around the future of mobility.

Sustainable Transitions SES edition

Scenario Exploration System that pictures four future scenarios using societal values and fiscal framework, from traditional to highly supporting sustainability.

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