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Competence Centre on Foresight

We foster a strategic, future-oriented and anticipatory culture in the EU policymaking process.

Topic / Tool | 09 Jun 2020

FuturGov Game

Tool developed to stimulate policy debates. You can play it in 4 to 8 persons, with a duration of approximatively 2h. 

The FuturGov serious game was developed as a part of the The future of government 2030+: A citizen centric perspective of new government models project by an interdisciplinary team.

The game:

  • Uses people’s anticipatory assumptions about what the future may look like to generate conversations, negotiations and collaborations through a participatory setting.
  • Explores new power relations while offering spaces for critical reflections and deliberations.
  • Confronts participants’ hopes and expectations about the futures to stimulate the imagination, discuss emerging trends and think strategically about future policy proposals.
  • Stimulates collective intelligence and social collaboration to create pathways to solve future challenges and learn about the implications of today’s decisions.
  • Offers structured conversations that can examine multiple viewpoints on a given policy and examine socio-political actors’ landscape.

Download the FuturGov Game rules and and everything you need to organize your own session.

FuturGov Game booklet rules
(127.83 KB - FuturGov Game booklet rules)

FuturGov Game cards
(2.9 MB - FuturGov Game cards)

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