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Competence Centre on Foresight

We foster a strategic, future-oriented and anticipatory culture in the EU policymaking process.

Search results (19)

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Knowledge service Foresight Digital Europa Thesaurus renewable energy
PAGE | 10 Dec 2020
The majority of resources used today are non-renewable and are set to become increasingly scarce given rising demand and unsustainable consumption patterns. Global material extraction...
PAGE | 10 Dec 2020
By 2040, more than 1 billion households and 11 billion smart appliances could be part of the interconnected electricity systems. The digitalization of the energy system can considerably...
PAGE | 10 Dec 2020
Desalination only provides 1% of the world's drinking water via 18,000 desalination plants using either thermal evaporation or membrane separation. New technologies create lower...
PAGE | 10 Dec 2020
The share of renewables in the power mix could rise from 25% today to 40% or even 66% in 2040. In 2017, only 12.1% of global power came from clean sources...
PAGE | 18 Mar 2020
Increasing synergies among synthetic biology, nanotechnology, 3D&4D printing, robotics, and the advent of AI, quantum computing, collective intelligence and yet to emerge technologies will make...
Smart-city developments should prioritise on healthy lifestyle of increasingly independent citizens. Policies to promote the spread of smart cities are needed to support the implementation of modern technologies...
Climate change will amplify existing risks and create new risks for natural and human systems. Risks are unevenly distributed and are generally greater for disadvantaged...
PAGE | 12 Dec 2018
If present trends continue, human demand on the Earth's ecosystem is projected to exceed nature's capacity to regenerate by about 75% by 2020, and by 100% (meaning that we would...