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Knowledge service

Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy

We enhance the knowledge base for policymaking on the bioeconomy.

Search results (26)

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Knowledge service Bioeconomy Geographic coverage Belgium Philippines Tanzania Chile Korea
The promotion of a bioeconomy is a strategic driver for the transformation of biobased sectors for sustainable economic growth and development. A central feature of the bioeconomy is that scientific research, knowledge and innovation can be...
Plant-based options are no longer a novelty on the shelves and in the fridges of supermarkets and discount stores across Europe. But just how big is the market for these foods? This report...
ONLINE RESOURCE | 12 March 2021
This interactive map represents an overview of ongoing and recently finished nationally funded projects, where the country is a member of the Implementation Working Group for SET Plan Action 8...
The Global Alliance for the Future of Food launches Systemic Solutions for Healthy Food Systems, a guide for governments to take action for better food systems that promote human, ecological...
The ‘Trilateral strategy for the chemical industry’ is a cross-border cooperation between the Netherlands, Flanders and North Rhine-Westphalia. In September 2017 the Ministry of Economics, Innovation, Digitalisation & Energy of the State...