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Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy

We enhance the knowledge base for policymaking on the bioeconomy.

Topic / Tool | Last updated: 28 Jun 2021

Forestry biomass

Explore data and information on forestry biomass and the state of EU forests: key figures, visualisations, publications and other resources selected for you!

Brief me

Forestry biomass production within a sustainable and circular bioeconomy

  • Forestry has a central role among the biomass producing sectors, providing valuable sources for the EU bioeconomy.
  • Forests in the EU cover one third of the land area and they have been expanding for the past 20 years.
  • They provide many services to society, such as helping mitigate climate change, supporting biodiversity, regulating water, offering recreation areas and supplying wood.
  • On average 281 Mt of wood are harvested in the EU each year, corresponding to 63% of the new wood grown.
  • Sustainable wood production implies balancing harvesting with the full range of forest ecosystem services.
  • Monitoring EU forests is key to ensuring their balanced management: the European Commission is working with Member States to harmonise data and make statistics comparable across the EU.


Find out more in the brief and explore further other resources!

Brief on forestry biomass production

Explore further

Wood resource balances of European Union and Member States

Discover uses and sources of woody biomass at EU and Member State's scale (2009-2017 data).

Sankey diagrams of woody biomass flows in the European Union

Browse the Sankey diagrams and visualise the woody biomass flows within the forest-based sector in the European Union (2009-2017 data).

The State of the World’s Forests 2022

Read this FAO flagship publication on the state of world’s forests and the progress towards protecting forests biodiversity.

Biomass Flows

Explore the supply and use of agricultural, forestry and fisheries biomass in the EU.

Forest Information System for Europe (FISE)

Access the first common database on the state, health and sustainability of Europe’s forests and share information with the forest community.

Forest Resources and Carbon Emissions (IFORCE)

Discover the methods and assessments developed to benchmark the monitoring of forest resources and carbon emissions.

Research projects on forestry biomass

Discover research projects on forestry biomass since 1999 and the organisations involved.

Biomass Glossary

Find definitions of biomass related terms.

The JRC Biomass Mandate

Learn about the long-term provision of data and analysis on biomass supply and demand by the JRC.

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