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Knowledge service

Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy

We enhance the knowledge base for policymaking on the bioeconomy.

Search results (35)

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Knowledge service Bioeconomy Geographic coverage UK Colombia Egypt Gambia Chile
The bioeconomy contributes to the European Green Deal as a catalyst for systemic change. For the production of fossil-free materials for a climate-neutral future, chemicals and materials biorefineries constitute a key element. However...
Plant-based options are no longer a novelty on the shelves and in the fridges of supermarkets and discount stores across Europe. But just how big is the market for these foods? This report...
This report (commissioned by BBNet to NNFCC) introduces the various UK legislation and Government policies which influence the direction and growth of the UK bioeconomy. A brief introduction to industrial biotechnology...
The Global Alliance for the Future of Food launches Systemic Solutions for Healthy Food Systems, a guide for governments to take action for better food systems that promote human, ecological...