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Knowledge service

Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography

Deepening our understanding of opportunities and challenges related to demographic change and migration.

Search results (24)

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Knowledge service Migration and Demography Digital Europa Thesaurus inclusion
ORGANISATION | 14 May 2024
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) works in 190 countries and territories to protect the rights of every child. UNICEF has spent 70 years working to improve...
ORGANISATION | 15 May 2023
The Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture (DG EAC) is the executive branch of the European Union responsible for policy on education, culture, youth, languages, and sport. DG EAC...
ORGANISATION | 02 Mar 2023
The Joint Research Centre is the Commission's science and knowledge service. The JRC employs scientists to carry out research in order to provide independent scientific advice and support to EU...
JRC - Joint Research Centre
ORGANISATION | 21 Feb 2023
The European Commission and business leaders launched the 'European Pact for Youth' to improve partnerships between business and education to boost the chances of young people getting jobs. The Pact...
ORGANISATION | 21 Feb 2023
The European Social Policy Network (ESPN) was established in 2014 to provide the Commission with independent information, analysis and expertise on social policies. The ESPN supports the Commission in monitoring...
ORGANISATION | 21 Feb 2023
GFMD is a recent initiative of the United Nations Member States to address the migration and development interconnections in practical and action-oriented ways. It is an informal, non-binding, voluntary and government-led process...
ORGANISATION | 04 Nov 2022
The European Commission's Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD), established on 20 June 2016, aims to provide scientific evidence for EU policymaking tailored to the needs of Commission...
UNESCO places emphasis on the human face of migration. It addresses the implications of the movement of people within its fields of competence, firmly embedding its interventions in a human...