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Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography

Deepening our understanding of opportunities and challenges related to demographic change and migration.

Topic / Tool | Last updated: 21 Jun 2021

Legal migration and integration

Legal migration deals with international mobility of people and their stay, while integration focuses on how people become part of the destination countries’ societies.

Brief me

Legal migration covers international mobility towards the EU, such as labour migration, family reunification, student migration, as well as the conditions under which regular stay is allowed.

Integration of third country nationals in EU is a two-way process, in which both immigrants and EU citizens accommodate mutually on various aspects of societal life, from education to electoral outcomes.


  • Residence permits and visas
  • Residential segregation of migrants in cities
  • Integration of migrants in cities, educational systems and EU labour markets
  • Labour market shortages, skills matching, over-qualification
  • Fiscal impacts of migration
  • Free movements across the EU and EU citizenship
  • Attractive factors determining mobility towards the EU
  • Public opinions and voting behaviour


Legal migration deals with international mobility of people and their stay, while integration focuses on how people become part of the destination countries’ societies.

  • Analysis of immigrants’ integration into the labour market
  • Study of migrants’ mobility and residence into EU member states
  • Analysis of public opinion on immigration through a variety of data sources, and their connections with other political attitudes;

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