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Competence Centre on Foresight

We foster a strategic, future-oriented and anticipatory culture in the EU policymaking process.

Search results (17)

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Knowledge service Foresight Digital Europa Thesaurus smart city
PAGE | 01 Dec 2023
People in search of better opportunities - such as jobs, services and education - have been moving from rural, to urban areas across the world, and this accelerating trend...
PAGE | 03 Jul 2020
Europe's level of urbanisation is expected to increase to approximately 83.7% in 2050. Trends in the total population of EU27 and UK from 1961 to 2018 show a decline in the share of population living...
PAGE | 03 Jul 2020
Cities are estimated to generate 80% of all economic growth. OECD studies showed that, for each doubling of population size, the productivity level of a city increases...
PAGE | 25 Jun 2020
The recently adopted Degree of Urbanisation allows a consistent definition and comparison of urbanisation at a global scale. Based on this new definition, the world is already much more urbanised than previously...
PAGE | 08 Apr 2020
The "digital revolution" is impacting everything, from economy, innovation, science and education, to health, sustainability, governance, and lifestyles. Digital technologies will fundamentally change business models, institutions...
PAGE | 06 Apr 2020
Policymaking has to adapt to an increasingly digital and data-driven world as well as an increasingly (dis)informed citizenry. AI algorithms are increasingly impacting all aspects of life and add...