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Projects and activities | 15 Jun 2020

2035: Paths towards a sustainable EU economy

Foresight study about sustainable transitions and the potential of eco-innovation for jobs and economic development in the EU 2035.

The project

This project aimed at developing long-term visions for eco-industries (Horizon 2035), identifying relevant trends and drivers, highlighting implications for EU policies and describing realistic and desirable possible futures.

A systemic approach to eco-industries was taken by defining them as a stream of business activities across and within the entire industrial segment of society encompassing "Green industries" (environmental industries), "Industries greening"(other industries adopting eco-innovations) and "Eco-innovative solution providers" (R&D, new business models, organisational/social innovation, integrators).

The results

The resulting study 2035: Paths towards a sustainable EU economy - Sustainable transitions and the potential of eco-innovation for jobs and economic development in the EU eco-industries 2035 followed a classic foresight approach to develop four scenarios (Multiple Connected Initiatives, Shared Circular Strategies, Compact Green Innovation and Local Self-Resilience).

Latest knowledge from this Project