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Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography

Deepening our understanding of opportunities and challenges related to demographic change and migration.

Search results (15)

Showing results 1 to 10

KS specific taxonomy Vulnerable groups Knowledge service Migration and Demography
ORGANISATION | 21 Feb 2023
The Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime is a network of prominent law enforcement, governance and development practitioners who are dedicated to seeking new and innovative strategies...
ORGANISATION | 04 Nov 2022
The Italian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organization formed in 1990 in Italy, at the initiative of the United Nations, with the objective of defending the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. The CIR works...
DATASET | 28 Oct 2022
A new dataset on human trafficking patterns and government anti-trafficking efforts in 179 countries from 2000 to 2011. This is the first dataset to broadly capture different trafficking types and disaggregated...