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Knowledge Centre for Global Food and Nutrition Security

We support the EU global commitment to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition through a dedicated, reinforced science-policy interface and a fostered inter-policy dialogue.

Page | Last updated: 05 Dec 2023

EU Policies on "Research and Innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture"

The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES – 2007).

The Joint Strategy includes among its priorities accelerating progress towards the MDGs and in particular foster cooperation in agriculture and food security.

EU-Africa Research and Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture

The EU-Africa research & innovation partnership on food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture stems from the 3rd EU-Africa High Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) Senior Officials' meeting, held in Addis Ababa in April 2016. During that event, Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture was identified as the first priority of the HLPD STI and developing a long-term jointly funded Research and Innovation Partnership between the EU and Africa (see the roadmap). The partnership so far has channelled a joint investment of €381 million on four priorities: (1) sustainable intensification of agriculture, (2) agriculture and food systems for nutrition (3) expansion and improvement of agricultural trade and markets and (4) cross-cutting topics

New European Consensus on Development - 'Our world, our dignity, our future'

In line with Agenda 2030, the New Consensus explicitly mentions that the EU and its Member States will continue investing in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in and for developing countries, including for the enhancement of national innovation systems. On new technologies, it commits the EU to continue to support ICT in developing countries, to promote the use of digital technologies in a range of priority areas (such as e-governance, agriculture, education, water management, health and energy), to support enabling environments for the digital economy (improving open and secure connectivity) and to foster digital entrepreneurship and literacy.

EUROPEAN COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT (SWD) "Digital4Development: mainstreaming digital technologies and services into EU Development Policy"

The SWD and the subsequent Council conclusions and Parliament Resolution provide a targeted approach to pursue digitalisation into EU development policy and, in particular, in the agricultural sector.


The joint communication includes a focus on stepped up cooperation in R&I with Africa.

COMMUNICATION on the Global Approach to Research and Innovation - Europe's strategy for international cooperation in a changing world

The Communication announces that science, technology and innovation will be mobilize to accelerate sustainable and inclusive development, and the transition to resilient, knowledge-based societies and economies in low and middle-income countries.

Under the umbrella of the Bioeconomy strategy, the Commission will stimulate a more innovative, resource efficient and competitive society that reconciles food and nutrition security with the sustainable use of renewable resources for industrial purposes, while ensuring environmental protection. In the framework of the EU Farm-to-Fork strategy, the Commission will foster cooperation at global level in agricultural research on priority areas such as soil health, and food systems and will assess the feasibility of an international platform for food systems science in view of the UN’s 2021 Food Systems Summit.

The AU-EU Innovation Agenda - Working document (14 February 2022)

One of the specific objectives of the Agenda relates to “Fostering digital applications and green technologies to give impetus to agroecological production, healthy and sustainable food processing and consumption, and by co-designing with food system actors to scale digital solutions for production, processing and marketing to support sustainable and agroecological transition”.

Geographic and thematic programmes

The EU has adopted geographic and thematic programmes for the period 2021-2027 to strengthen research and innovation in food and nutrition security and sustainable food systems.

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