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Evidence-Informed Policy Making

Helping researchers and policymakers better connect scientific knowledge and policymaking in the EU and worldwide.

Topic / Tool | Last updated: 14 Feb 2022

Science for Policy Ecosystems

Strengthening and connecting science for policy ecosystems across the European Union and within its Member States (MS)

Are you working at national, regional and local level in government, parliament, academia or civil society on improving the use of scientific evidence for policy-making?

Would you like to learn more about Europe’s best practice in evidence-informed policy-making?

Would you be interested in developing your ideas and projects for stronger science for policy eco-systems with like-minded professionals from all over Europe?

If you responded yes to any of the questions, then you are at the right place and we want to hear from you.

We are committed to learning more about, strengthening and connecting science for policy ecosystems across the European Union and within its Member States (MS) through different approaches including

  • co-creation analytical workshops
  • institutional capacity-building exercises
  • mapping of best practices across the EU and its Member States
  • knowledge exchange and mutual learning experiences
  • improving current EU policies and public administration to reinforce the value of evidence-informed policymaking and
  • nurturing a European and global community of knowledge mobilisers and science for policy practitioners

Our projects provide answers to the above questions using different approaches, which you can explore below.

Explore further

Strengthening and connecting science for policy ecosystems across the EU

A series of short, virtual workshops about 'science for policy ecosystems' has been organised between September 2020 and September 2022. In 2023, the series turned into in-person…

Science meets Regions

Boost evidence-informed policymaking in European regions and cities through a variety of tools like innovation camps, training courses, and pairing schemes.

The “Science for policy ecosystems” survey

We aim to understand current qualities of the science for policy ecosystems across the EU and its Member States, asking specific questions addressed at the policy demand side…

Commission Staff Working Document on Science for Policy in the Member States – An Invitation for a Pan-European Debate on Evidence-informed Policymaking

Encouraging a well-informed debate on how policymakers in Europe can better use scientific evidence to inform policymaking and policy debates

Developing an evaluation framework for science for policy ecosystems

Co-creation process to develop an evaluation framework to assess the capacity for science for policy in the EU Member States between Dec 2021 and April 2023.


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