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Dataset | 16 Oct 2015

Business enterprise R & D expenditure (BERD) by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2)

Data on business enterprise expenditure on R&D by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2), expressed in euro per inhabitant, million euro, million units of national currency, purchasing Power Standard (PPS) and percentage of gross domestic product (GDP).

The detailed institutional sectors of performance are: business enterprise (BES), government (GOV), higher education (HES), private non-profit (PNP).

Intramural R&D expenditures are all expenditures for R&D performed within a statistical unit or sector of the economy during a specific period, whatever the source of funds. Expenditures made outside the statistical unit or sector but in support of intramural R&D (e.g. purchase of supplies for R&D) are included. Both current and capital expenditures are included.

At national level R&D data are compiled by the national statistical authorities: National Statistical Offices, Research Councils and Ministries. The data are collected through sample or census surveys, from administrative registers or through a combination of sources. The data are gathered via national questionnaires in paper and/or electronic format. The statistical unit used is enterprise.

R&D data are available for following countries and country groups: - All EU Member States, plus Candidate Countries, EFTA Countries, the Russian Federation, China, Japan, the United States and South Korea. - Country groups: EU-28, EU-15 and EA-18.