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Digital Europa Thesaurus international security
PAGE | 12 Sep 2023
The diversification of threats, and the people behind them, are generating new challenges for the defence and security communities, and to society as a whole.
PAGE | 11 Dec 2020
Environmental security is increasingly dominating national and international agendas, shifting defense and geopolitical paradigms. Worldwide, the number of displacements associated with natural disasters is considerably higher than that of those...
PAGE | 11 Dec 2020
Although trans-border wars are increasingly rare, global peacefulness deteriorated for eight of the last twelve years, with 2019 being the first improvement since 2014, according to the 2019...
PAGE | 30 Mar 2020
The combination of thought and feelings with the capability of new technologies and data availability became the most powerful weapon, available to almost anyone interested, increasing the potential of SIMAD (Single...
PAGE | 18 Feb 2020
Better technological means and society's cooperation are needed to identify hybrid threats or terrorists before they act. However, the effectiveness of some measures depends on the values of society...
PAGE | 18 Feb 2020
Treaties, conventions and defense policies should be adapted to take into account emerging technologies as future potential sources of threats. New industry standards, more resilient...
PAGE | 18 Feb 2020
The countries forecasted to have the world's most powerful armies in 2030 are: India, France, Russia, USA, and China (Global Firepower ranking for 2020 military strength...