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Evidence-Informed Policy Making

Helping researchers and policymakers better connect scientific knowledge and policymaking in the EU and worldwide.

Search results (16)

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Knowledge service Evidence-Informed Policy Making Digital Europa Thesaurus vocational training
JRC, Ispra, Italy
TOPIC / TOOL | 22 Feb 2023
Developing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of researchers and policymaker to better connect scientific knowledge and policymaking, worldwide
DATASET | 04 May 2021
2-day professional training course material on assessing science, understanding policymaking processes, and gaining insight into the interaction between the different paradigms in which scientists, policymakers, and politicians...
EVENT | 13 Jan 2020
The Evidence for Policy School is a flagship event of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) to reach out to mid-level scientists, policymakers and practitioners to improve the science-policy interface...
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
This course is essential for researchers who would like their research results to have greater policy impact, but may not have the know-how to communicate effectively with policymakers. The Science...
Laxenburg, Austria
Senec, Slovakia
Laxenburg, Austria
Pretoria, South Africa