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Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity

We enhance the knowledge base, facilitate its sharing and foster cross-sectorial policy dialogue for EU policy making in biodiversity and related fields.

Page | Last updated: 12 Sep 2023

Research, innovation, implementation

Key EU funding programmes and outcomes for biodiversity research and innovation, and implementation actions at the European and global level.

European research and innovation programs

Overview of key EU funding programs for biodiversity research and innovation with a European focus (HORIZON EUROPE, Partnership for Biodiversity, Copernicus, Horizon 2020 and other calls).

Implementation actions in Europe

Overview of European biodiversity related implementation actions. Relevant funds and calls are from LIFE and the structural funds.

International Cooperation and Development

Key EU biodiversity relevant initiatives and funding programs for international cooperation and development, and for research and innovation opportunities on global biodiversity.

EU-funded biodiversity research projects’ outcomes

Where to find results of EU-funded biodiversity research projects, and a dedicated information page on gaps in biodiversity related knowledge.

New open EU calls for funding
New open EU calls for funding
Open and upcoming EC grants and tender opportunities relevant to Biodiversity