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Digital Europa Thesaurus purchasing power parity Knowledge type Page
PAGE | 16 Feb 2023
By 2030, the consumer class is expected to reach almost 5 billion people. This means 1.3 billion more people with increased purchasing power than today.
PAGE | 08 Feb 2023
The shift of economic power from the established Western economies and Japan towards the emerging economies in the East and South is set to continue.
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
Virtual water and pollution impacts should be factored into the price of imported products. | Related Megatrends: Natural resources; Climate and environment; Geopower Multilateral cooperation...
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
Unless consumption patterns of the emerging middle class in developing countries change, bottle necks in food and energy are very likely, along with increasing environmental degradation...
PAGE | 17 Sep 2019
The number of people living in extreme poverty (US$1.9/day) has been reduced from 1.85 billion (35% of world population) in 1990 to 767 million (10.7% of world population)...
PAGE | 28 Sep 2018
International Monetary Fund, A shifting global economic landscape,(2017). German Institute for Economic Research, Shrinking share of middle-income group in Germany and the US (full report), (2016)...
PAGE | 27 Sep 2018
The growing purchasing power of the middle classes in the newly industrialised countries creates opportunities for the consumer goods industry, health services, infrastructure and education.