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Event | 13 Dec 2023

Workshop: Drivers and consequences of demographic change for policymaking

A workshop among demography experts and policymakers to discuss the results of a global survey on the drivers of demographic change and the impact on policymaking.

Date: Wednesday, 13 December, 2023   
Time: 09:30 - 12:30
Location: Brussels

This workshop was originally scheduled for 17 October with webstreaming. Following the security alert warning in Brussels on 17 October, the workhsop was rescheduled to 13 December. The event will not be webstreamed.


What are the latest world population projections? How do they impact climate change, environmental sustainability and the economy? How does this feed into policy design, so that we can better respond to future societal challenges?

Demography experts and policy makers delve into the findings of a global survey launched in June 2023 on the drivers of global demographic change. They then discuss how demographic dynamics could be considered in policymaking.

With introductory remarks by Colin Scicluna, Cabinet of Vice-President Dubravka ŠUICA - Democracy and Demography.

The survey on drivers and consequence of demographic change was launched in June 2023 by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and two leading institutions in the field of population projections: the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) and the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA).


09:30 - 09:50

Welcome and introductory remarks

  • Matthias Oel, Director 'Space, Security and Migration', EC Joint Research Centre
  • Colin Scicluna, Head of Cabinet of Vice-President Dubravka ŠUICA - Democracy and Demography
09:50 - 10:10

Presentation of survey results

  • Anne Goujon, Programme Director, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
  • Rossella Icardi, Project Officer - Demography and Migration, EC Joint Research Centre
10:10 - 10:30

Key trends in fertility

  • Vladimíra Kantorová, Senior Population Affairs Officer, United Nations, Population Division, UNDESA
10:30 - 10:50

Key trends in mortality

  • Bruno Masquelier, Professor of Demography, Université Catholique de Louvain
10:50 - 11:10

Key trends in migration

  • Jakub Bijak, Professor of Statistical Demography, University of Southampton
11:10 - 11:25Coffee Break
11:25 - 11:45

Perspectives on demographic challenges and needs for policy interventions in low and high fertility countries

  • Fabrizio Natale, Project Manager - Demography and Migration, EC Joint Research Centre
11:45 - 12:05

The role of policies

  • Jack A. Goldstone, Chair Professor of Public Policy, George Mason University
12:05 - 12:25

Demographic change in Europe: a toolbox for action

  • Arthur Corazza, Policy Officer, EC Secretariat-General

Thematic story

A new thematic data story published in the Atlas of Demography visualises key findings from the global survey. In particular it charts experts' opinions and feedback on the key forces that drive demographic change.

What factors will shape future population trends? Results of an international experts' survey

Technical report

The findings of this survey are analysed and summarised in a dedicated technical report that will be published on 15 October 2023 at this link: 

Global survey

Global survey on the drivers and consequences of demographic change 


Presentation of survey results
(1.4 MB - pdf)
Presentation of survey results, by Anne Goujon and Rossella Icardi
Presentation 'Key trends in fertility'
(4.13 MB - pdf)
Presentation 'Key trends in fertility', by Vladimíra Kantorová
Presentation 'Key trends in mortality', by Bruno Masquelier
(10.92 MB - pdf)
Presentation 'Key trends in mortality', by Bruno Masquelier
Presentation 'Key trends in migration', by Jakub Bijak
(1.43 MB - pdf)
Presentation 'Key trends in migration', by Jakub Bijak
Presentation 'Perspectives on demographic challenges and needs for policy interventions in low and high fertility countries', by Fabrizio Natale
(1.47 MB - pdf)
Presentation 'Perspectives on demographic challenges and needs for policy interventions in low and high fertility countries', by Fabrizio Natale
Presentation 'The role of policies in demography', by Jack A. Goldstone
(550.01 KB - pdf)
Presentation 'The role of policies in demography', by Jakub A. Goldstone
Presentation 'Demographic change in Europe: a toolbox of action', by Arthur Corazza
(1.44 MB - pdf)
Presentation 'Demographic change in Europe: a toolbox of action', by Arthur Corazza