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Digital Europa Thesaurus governance new technology
Gene-editing technologies represent a promising new tool for plant and animal breeding in low- and middle-income countries. They enhance precision and efficiency over current breeding methods...
Highlights We assess the impact of technology, especially information & communication technology, on food security. We use a sample of 106 countries over the...
PAGE | 11 Dec 2020
Increasing global connectedness will continue to foster the interaction among non-state actors beyond states capacity to control it, thus challenging in several ways traditional...
PAGE | 08 Apr 2020
Transnational organised crime is estimated as having a budget twice larger than all military budgets combined. How much influence and governing power could non-state actors...
PAGE | 08 Apr 2020
Globalisation of all sectors — economic, security, information, technological development, etc.— together with increased mobility and solidarity of the population worldwide are accelerating the spread and implementation...
PAGE | 06 Apr 2020
Policymaking has to adapt to an increasingly digital and data-driven world as well as an increasingly (dis)informed citizenry. AI algorithms are increasingly impacting all aspects of life and add...