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Digital Europa Thesaurus social security Knowledge type Page
PAGE | 30 Mar 2020
The combination of thought and feelings with the capability of new technologies and data availability became the most powerful weapon, available to almost anyone interested, increasing the potential of SIMAD (Single...
PAGE | 18 Mar 2020
While technology is continuously improving living standards, they could also increase threats. Ethical and security implications of some S&T developments are needed to be...
PAGE | 18 Feb 2020
The countries forecasted to have the world's most powerful armies in 2030 are: India, France, Russia, USA, and China (Global Firepower ranking for 2020 military strength...
PAGE | 18 Dec 2018
The eight pillars of peace should be addressed simultaneously, as much as possible: a well-functioning government; a sound business environment; an equitable distribution of resources; an acceptance of the rights of others...
PAGE | 18 Dec 2018
Globalisation, migration, geopolitical shifts, changing nature and balance of power, and increasing access of individuals to technological and social resources, have raised the world’s vulnerabilities to new levels...
PAGE | 11 Dec 2018
Synergies among engineering, physical sciences, computation, and life sciences are revolutionising medicine and health – advancing techniques to regenerate lost limbs and replace malfunctioning...