This technical study highlights the role of discriminatory social institutions, unequal power relations and agency in influencing climate resilience processes for sustainable agrifood systems. It also defines core characteristics of gender transformative change in climate resilience programming and presents a collection of climate change interventions that address different dimensions of gender transformative change and the management of disaster risks in agrifood systems. The main audience for this study consists of food security, agriculture, climate and gender practitioners and experts with an interest in gender transformative change in interventions related to climate adaptation and disaster risk management. The paper was developed in the framework of the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition (JP GTA).
Year of publication | |
Authors | |
Geographic coverage | Global |
Originally published | 31 Jan 2025 |
Related organisation(s) | FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Climate extremes and food securitySustainable Food SystemsGender Equality and Food systems | Gender-transformative approachEcosystems and biodiversitySustainable food system |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | rural regiongender equalityclimate changeadaptation to climate changeecosystemresiliencedisaster risk reductiondisaster risk reductionvocational trainingrural development |