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Event | 16 Jun 2021

The localisation of the SDGs in Europe: local and regional indicators and multilevel governance

The Joint Research Centre (JRC) presents of three methodological reports on the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Europe.

Report Launch LocalSDGs


The Joint Research Centre (JRC) presents three methodological reports on the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Europe. Under the coordination of the JRC, three international experts have elaborated specific analysis, based on the experiences of European local and regional governments that use monitoring as a tool to localise the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda. The three reports provide evidence and insights on different elements and scales of these first-generation voluntary reviews.

- The first report explores the use of local indicators in European Voluntary Local Reviews between 2016 and early 2021.

- The second report proposes a set of regional indicators for the monitoring of the SDGs in Europe, based on the analysis of three subnational case studies.

- The third report focuses on the SDG localisation and multi-level governance, starting from lessons from the Basque Country to elaborate recommendations and insights which could contribute to the creation of SDGs ecosystems in other countries.

The main findings of the reports will be presented and discussed during the event, with the goal to identify additional methodological gaps and ways forward.


Background of the URBAN2030 – II project

The project URBAN2030 – II builds on the knowledge and experience gained in the preparation of the European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews and the URBAN2030 project developed with the support of DG REGIO (2018 – 2020). The Project aims at fostering the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in European cities and regions providing knowledge and technical support for the designing and implementing SDG Voluntary Local Reviews. The project has the ambition to upscale efforts, working approaches and solutions through the setup of several Pilot cities and sub-national case studies.

The JRC has been working since October 2020 with a group of European cities to validate the proposed methodology: Bratislava, Oulu, Porto, Reggio Emilia, Seville, Valencia, Turku and Helsinki. Knowledge and insight from these works will feed the second edition of the European Handbook, which is planned for publication in 2022. This edition of the European Handbook will include an update on the state of the art on local reviews, a consolidated framework indicator set and policy recommendations on viable strategies for the future.


For more info: alice.siragusa[at]

The agenda and the presentations are available below.