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Publication | 2021

SDG localisation and multi-level governance: lessons from the Basque Country

This report describes the various actions and initiatives developed in the Basque Region for the local implementation of the 2030 Agenda, which constitutes a pioneering exercise on the establishment of what this report defines as an ‘SDG ecosystem’. From this experience, the report draws recommendations useful for other regional authorities.

This report analyses the Basque SDG ecosystem from a territorial perspective providing a clear interpretation of its different levels and interlinkages. Starting from the experience of the Basque Country, this report proposes a sub-national approach for the SDG governance and suggests a decalogue for the next VLR generation that should take into consideration the territorial approach.
In addition to this report, the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is releasing two reports on the use of urban and regional indicators for the Sustainable Development Goals. Moreover, since October 2020, the JRC has been working with a group of European cities to validate the methodology proposed in the first European Handbook for SDG Voluntary Local Reviews (Siragusa et al, 2020): Bratislava, Oulu, Porto, Reggio Emilia, Seville, Valencia, Turku and Helsinki. Knowledge and insight from this work will feed the second edition of the European Handbook, planned for publication in 2022. This edition of the European Handbook will include an update of the state of the art on local reviews, a consolidated guidance indicator set and policy recommendations on viable strategies for the future.

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