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Dataset | 04 Nov 2022

Global Transnational Mobility Dataset

Estimates of country-to-country cross-border human mobility ("trips") on the basis of global statistics on tourism and air passenger traffic. The two sources are adjusted and merged; resulting into a set of data that covers more than 15 billion estimated trips over the years 2011 to 2016.

The work was jointly carried out by the European Commission Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography (KCMD) and the European University Institute (EUI) Migration Policy Centre (MPC) as part of the Global Mobilities Project (GMP).

How to access the data: The data can be downloaded through the KCMD Dynamic Data Hub.

How to cite: Recchi; E.; E. Deutschmann & M. Vespe. 2019. Estimating Transnational Human Mobility on a Global Scale. EUI RSCAS Working Papers – MPC Series; 2019/30.

Explore the data in the KCMD Dynamic Data Hub:

Estimates of cross-border inbound trips