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Digital Europa Thesaurus biofuel labour market
The inaugural edition of the World Energy Employment Report is – to the best of our knowledge – the first comprehensive inventory of the global energy workforce. The report presents new...
DATASET | 01 Jan 2015
The Eurobserver database provides with data on different indicators by contry per renewable energy source, including Biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol and other biofuels), solid biomass (solid and liquid)...
Renewable Energy and Jobs, presents the status of employment, both by technology and in selected countries, over the past year. Jobs in the sector (including large hydropower) increased 5.3%...
Providing regular analysis and data is fundamental for policy makers and stakeholders to monitor the development of an economic sector and make the necessary decisions to maximize the benefits it generates, be...
The EU bio-based industry: Results from a Survey