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Digital Europa Thesaurus biogas Knowledge type Dataset Online Resource
The IEA Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy dataset provides a full analysis of historical country-level emissions stemming from energy use, and has become an essential tool for analysts...
DATASET | 01 Jan 2015
The Eurobserver database provides with data on different indicators by contry per renewable energy source, including Biofuels (biodiesel, bioethanol and other biofuels), solid biomass (solid and liquid)...
DATASET | 01 Jan 2013
Data on consumption, production, transformation and supply of biogases for energy purposes. Data expressed in terajoules (TJ). Consumption data are broken down by sector (e.g. agriculture...
DATASET | 24 Aug 2017
Data on renewable energy balances for a number of countries by category (primary energy, transformation and losses, consumption by sector and by use, and gross electricity and heat), subcategory (imports, exports...
DATASET | 15 Dec 2015
Data on total employment in the renewable energy sector by technology and country in the latest available date. Employment data in IRENA REsource depicts the status of renewable energy employment...
DATASET | 15 Dec 2015
Data on evolution of total employment in the renewable energy sector by technology in the period 2012-2015. Employment data in IRENA REsource depicts the status of renewable energy employment at the time...
COASTAL Biogas turns problems into potential for the Baltic Sea region and environment – reducing eutrophication, creating renewable energy and high-quality bio-fertilisers from unwanted waste, making...