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Knowledge service

Competence Centre on Technology Transfer

The CC TT provides technology transfer policy related expertise and services to the European Commission and other institutions of the Union and operational support services to a broader range of stakeholders.

Search results (10)

Showing results 1 to 10

Knowledge service Technology Transfer Knowledge type Event Organisation
European Labour Authority
Swedish Pavilion, EXPO2020, Dubai (UAE)
ORGANISATION | 25 Nov 2020
ASTP is a non-profit member’s organisation committed to knowledge transfer among universities and industry. Our focus is to further improve the quality of impact that public research has on the economy...
European Association of Technology Practitioners
EVENT | 23 Jan 2020
The conference brought together key representatives from within the European Commission to meet and discuss two key themes with the community of KT practitioners represented by ASTP. The first focused...
European Commission, Berlaymont building, Jean Ray room
EVENT | 04 Mar 2019
Technological disruption requires us to learn faster than we ever had to before. Behaviours we’ve honed for decades are becoming obsolete in a few short years...