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Digital Europa Thesaurus health risk Knowledge type Page
PAGE | 19 Sep 2022
Science and better living standards have reduced infectious diseases. Unhealthy lifestyles, pollution and other anthropogenic causes are turning into health burdens.
PAGE | 11 Dec 2020
There is enough food produced for everyone on the planet to have an adequate diet, but poor distribution and quality makes that 795 million people are hungry while some...
PAGE | 10 Dec 2020
Desalination only provides 1% of the world's drinking water via 18,000 desalination plants using either thermal evaporation or membrane separation. New technologies create lower...
PAGE | 17 Mar 2020
Nearly half of all deaths in children under 5 are attributable to under-nutrition. This translates into the unnecessary loss of about 3 million young lives a year. Undernutrition...
PAGE | 18 Dec 2018
Climate change will amplify existing risks and create new ones. Consequences of climate change, such as weather-related disasters, are set to continue even if...
PAGE | 10 Oct 2018
Since 2000, the global burden of disease from communicable diseases (e.g. infectious diseases, HIV, tuberculosis, and measles) has been outweighed by non-communicable diseases, (e.g. cardiovascular diseases...