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Digital Europa Thesaurus animal feedingstuffs food security
Livestock is a crucial source of food, employment, and income for much of East Africa’s rural population, as well as generating investment from the private sector and other actors. The subsector contributes...
DATASET | 06 Sep 2014
The data set includes data on gross and net production values, in constant international USD, and gross production values, in constant and current USD and Local Currency Units...
DATASET | 06 Sep 2014
The dataset includes data on gross and net production indices for various food and agriculture aggregates expressed in both totals and per capita. The dataset covers the following commodities: Butter...
DATASET | 06 Sep 2014
Data on livestock production and yield. The dataset contains the following commodities and commodity aggregates thereof : Beeswax; Eggs (various types); Hair, horse; Hides buffalo...