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Digital Europa Thesaurus migration
International migration is skill-selective, which means that the propensity to emigrate is much higher for the high-skilled than for the low-skilled. While the emigration of talent can deprive migrant-sending countries of essential resources...
Migration of Talent: Implications for Countries of Origin
This report analyses the effect of the Russian Invasion on the longer-term future of Ukraine’s population size and structure. The qualitative scenarios spanning a range of possible migration futures are translated...
With the consolidation of the culture of evidence-based policymaking, the availability of data has become central for policymakers. Nowadays, innovative data sources have offered opportunity to describe more accurately...
Climate change and its impacts on natural and human systems are increasingly evident globally. Africa is highly vulnerable and is experiencing the burden of climate change impacts of climate...
Solidarity is a fundamental principle of the EU, but its meaning, and what it requires from EU Member States and European citizens in practice, remains elusive. Throughout the years, the level...
Income pooling in the context of geographically stretched households, that is, households with migrants who maintain close relations and economic ties with household members left behind, is examined...