Myanmar has endured multiple crises in recent years — including COVID-19, global price instability, the 2021 coup, and widespread conflict — that have disrupted and even reversed a decade of economic development. Household welfare has declined severely, with more than 3 million people displaced and many more affected by high food price inflation and worsening diets. Yet Myanmar’s agrifood production and exports have proved surprisingly resilient.
Myanmar’s Agrifood System: Historical Development, Recent Shocks, Future Opportunities provides critical analyses and insights into the agrifood system’s evolution, current state, and future potential. This work fills an important knowledge gap for one of Southeast Asia’s major agricultural economies — one largely closed to empirical research for many years. It is the culmination of a decade of rigorous empirical research on Myanmar’s agrifood system, including through the recent crises. Written by IFPRI researchers and colleagues from Michigan State University, the book’s insights can serve as a to guide immediate humanitarian assistance and inform future growth strategies, once a sustainable resolution to the current crisis is found that ensures lasting peace and good governance.
Year of publication | |
Authors | |
Geographic coverage | Myanmar |
Originally published | 30 Oct 2024 |
Related organisation(s) | CGIAR - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Sustainable Food Systems | DietFood processing |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | nutritionCrisisgovernancerural regionAgricultural landlivestockcrop productionvalue chainRicemigrationwomanlivelihoodincomeYouthAgricultureagricultural tradeaquaculture |