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Geographic coverage World Digital Europa Thesaurus health policy
The scientific evidence reviewed in this workshop report demonstrates that pandemics are becoming more frequent. Their underlying causes are the same global environmental changes that drive...
This report presents a synthesis and integration of the findings concerning biodiversity contained in the reports of the four Millennium Assessment (MA) Working Groups (Condition and Trends, Scenarios, Responses, and Sub-global...
This State of Knowledge Review synthesises the available information on the inter-linkages between biodiversity, ecosystem stability, and epidemic infectious diseases such as the Ebola virus; and the connection between biodiversity...
The Global Alliance for the Future of Food launches Systemic Solutions for Healthy Food Systems, a guide for governments to take action for better food systems that promote human, ecological...
This document presents twelve policy initiatives supporting health and the bioeconomy from different OECD countries. The initiatives reviewed include: i) funding for public health centres that translate...