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Publication | 2022

No Time To Waste: Early prevention, detection and treatment of child wasting in the most vulnerable countries to the global food and nutrition crisis: UNICEF’s Acceleration Plan 2022–2023


The number of children living in food and nutrition insecurity is rising because of the intersecting crisis of conflict, climate induced drought and the socio-economic impacts of the pandemic.

UNICEF’s No Time to Waste Acceleration Plan 2022–2023 aims to reach over 26 million children and women with a package of essential maternal and child nutrition and social protection actions for the early prevention, detection and treatment of child wasting. UNICEF is asking for $1.2 billion to prevent, detect and treat severe malnutrition in 15 hotspots between now and October 2023 as part of this Plan.

An unprecedented global food and nutrition crisis requires an unprecedented response that puts the most vulnerable at the center of global efforts: there is no time to waste.