In the current period (July to September 2023), around 245,000 people in rural Lesotho (16 percent of the analysed population) are facing high levels of acute food insecurity - IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse). Urgent action is needed to reduce food gaps, protect, and restore livelihoods as well as prevent acute malnutrition. In the current period, of the ten analysed districts of Lesotho, five of them are IPC Phase 2 (Stressed) and the other five districts are in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). In December 2022 - excessive rains resulting in waterlogging destroyed some crops in most parts of the country. Despite these crop losses, there has been an overall improvement in wheat production and decrease in maize and sorghum production respectively compared to the previous season. All the main cereals are lower compared to the normal year and five-year average. Food availability is a minor limiting factor as food will be available either through its own production or markets which are also functional and stable. Among other shocks in the current period were high food prices, inflation and reduced casual labour opportunities due to heavy rains which hindered 2023 weeding activities. These in turn undermined the purchasing power of the most vulnerable households. This was seen as early as August across the mountain livelihood zone, thus negatively impacting food access. Food utilisation is a minor limiting factor as there were no major challenges encountered concerning food preparations. From October 2023 to March 2024, during the projected period around 325,000 (22 percent of the population) are likely to be in IPC Phase 3 or above (Crisis or worse) with eight districts of Lesotho being classified under IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). Only two of them remained in IPC Phase 2 (Stressed) while the rest of the population analysed shifted to a higher phase. Main hazards under the projected period were El Nino which is likely to affect food utilisation negatively as well as food access while food availability will likely remain unaffected as markets continue to be functional and stable.
Year of publication | |
Geographic coverage | Lesotho |
Originally published | 26 Sep 2023 |
Related organisation(s) | IPC - Integrated Food Security Phase Classification |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Food security and food crises | Early warning systemExtreme weather eventAccess to foodFood price crisis |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | inflationprice of agricultural produceMonitoringextreme weatherfood aidhumanitarian aidcrop production |