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Publication | 2023

JRC MARS Bulletin - Global outlook for North Africa – February 2023


  • Morocco: Drought conditions caused delays to planting, a reduction in sown area, and below-average biomass accumulation in most agricultural areas. Cereals are in advanced vegetative stages.

  • Algeria: Almost all major production areas are performing below average. Sowings were delayed by 23 weeks in the eastern regions and by almost 10 days in the central and western regions. Cereals are in the vegetative stage.

  • Tunisia: Biomass accumulation is below to well below average in many important cereal-producing regions, with significant possibility of crop failure in the regions of Siliana and Zaghouan. Cereals are in the late vegetative stages.

  • Libya: Crops are in fair condition overall. The flowering period is about to begin in western coastal regions, while cereals are at the beginning of flowering in eastern coastal regions.

  • Egypt: At the flowering period, biomass accumulation is above average in all the main cereal-producing regions, thanks to favourable weather conditions and predominantly irrigated arable land.