Outcomes of the JRC-BBI JU- IEA survey on strategies and policies for the EU Bioeconomy in 2017.
The Joint Research Centre (JRC), the International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy and the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU), have joined forces to launch a survey to understand the status of policies and strategies and other activities taken at national level on bioeconomy. Twenty-one members of the States Representatives Group, an advisory body of the BBI JU, contributed to the survey in 2017 and the the BBI JU has compiled the outcome of the survey in the present report. Together with the information published in the Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy, this BBI JU publication provides an overview of the status of policies and strategies to support the bio-based industrial sector at national level during 2017. It provides examples of good practices and lessons learnt as reported by SRG to support the deployment of the BBI JU and enhance its impact at national level. It is intended that these examples can be used by those countries, which are currently less represented in BBI JU, and/or countries that do not have the appropriate mechanisms established at national level to deploy the bio-based industrial sector.
Year of publication | |
Geographic coverage | PolandGreeceGermanyIrelandSpainFinlandAustriaBelgiumEuropean Union |
Originally published | 20 Dec 2018 |
Related organisation(s) | BBI JU - Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Bioeconomy | Biorefinery |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | bio-based productpublic policyindustrial policypolicy analysis |