Despite the ongoing collapse of Zimbabwe’s economy that has resulted in the contraction of markets and the higher cost of fuel and associated transport challenges, the decision-making capabilities fostered through participatory planning processes have resulted in higher levels of resilience for farmers. This resilience has enabled these farmers to serve local markets, particularly schools, hospitals and local traders where their produce is in demand. While there is no premium market price for organic products in Zimbabwe, farmers meet market demand, even as their production and transaction costs are lower. As a result, farmers’ profitability is greatly improved, as are their soils, health and relationships.

Year of publication | |
Authors | |
Geographic coverage | Zimbabwe |
Originally published | 14 Jun 2021 |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Agroecology | Farmers associationCrop rotationAgricultural extension servicesAgroecological practiceSmallholder farmer |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | livestockorganic farming |