Chapter 3 of the report deals more specifically with the strategy for building resilience in the agricultural sector.
Key messages of this chapter are as follows:
While the agricultural share of GDP is declining, it remains a powerful driver of inclusive growth and poverty reduction.
Diversifying agricultural production would increase resilience to climate change and promote growth while continuing to contribute to poverty reduction.
Realizing the growth potential of the agriculture, livestock, and fisheries sector hinges upon increased commercialization and large-scale adoption of climate-smart agriculture (CSA) practices.
A combination of interventions to diversify crops and scale up climate-Smart agriculture is advised in the report.
In particular, enabling women to adopt new agricultural practices will provide additional benefits across all these strategies.
Year of publication | |
Geographic coverage | Bangladesh |
Originally published | 07 Nov 2022 |
Related organisation(s) | World Bank |
Knowledge service | Metadata | Global Food and Nutrition Security | Climate extremes and food security | crop diversificationClimate-smart agriculture |
Digital Europa Thesaurus (DET) | risk managementclimate change policyagricultural policyresiliencepolicymaking |