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Publication | 2024

Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit 7-9TH May 2024 Nairobi, Kenya - Draft Declaration


The Draft Nairobi Declaration on Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit outlines commitments to enhance agricultural productivity, soil health, and sustainability across Africa. Key points include:

  1. Increase Fertilizer Use: Triple domestic production of quality fertilizers by 2034, emphasizing local production and reduced reliance on imports.

  1. Soil Health: Reverse land degradation on 30% of degraded soils by 2034 through integrated soil and water management practices.

  1. Financing: Operationalize the Africa Fertilizer Financing Mechanism to support fertilizer access and soil health interventions.

  1. Enabling Environment: Formulate and harmonize policies, improve last-mile delivery systems, and enhance public-private partnerships.

  1. Capacity Building: Promote knowledge sharing, research, and development, and ensure access to quality extension services for farmers.

The declaration underscores the importance of sustainable agricultural practices and regional cooperation to address food security and environmental challenges.